Papua New Guinea

Greeting Grandma Jo
My mother returned this week from teaching kindergarten in Papua New Guinea. She’s been there since just before Jack (now seven) was born, and the kids are always excited when she comes for a visit. Grandma Jo is here for the next six months, and in honor of her return we are featuring our Papua New Guinea coffee this week.
I happen to know quite a bit about the country of Papua New Guinea, for obvious reasons. I can tell you that the capital is Port Moresby, that its flag is black and red with white stars and a yellow bird (which Jack is an expert at drawing), that it is linguistically one of the most diverse countries in the world, because of its extreme topography. It is also a producer of coffee, although a lack of infrastructure makes the export process difficult.
Specifically, this Papua New Guinea coffee is light-roasted, smooth, and nutty. And by smooth, I mean that it has a simple, drinkable and non-acidic flavor. As soft as velvet. I’ve been drinking it all week and the words that come to mind as I sip (besides mmmm, which isn’t so descriptive) are: balanced, nutty, and delicate.

As the bottom line says, “clean sound and new.”
Since we first started carrying Papua New Guinea, around Christmastime, we’ve been adding it to our French Roast, and it is a perfect complement to the Brazilian and Central/South American beans that come together to make our French. It’s also in our in-house Espresso Blend, and as we’ve sampled shots of espresso this week, while playing with a new tamper, we’ve all talked about how mellow our shots taste. Espresso can be sharply acidic, but ours is almost creamy–partly because of our proprietary blend.
This week you can buy our Papua New Guinea for a dollar off per pound, or you can sample a twelve ounce cup for free by mentioning the coupon code “coffee of the week.*” Here’s to Grandma Jo: we’re glad you’re home safely!
–Holly Fike
Papua New Guinea
This week: $12.99
List Price: $13.99
*Coupon code is good through 6-26-12. The coffee changes weekly on Wednesdays. Of course after Tuesday you can always try a new coffee!