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Weekly Newsletter: Hawaiian Blend


Since I was a small child, I have been under the impression that June is the best month of the year.  Summer begins in June, and school ends, and I’m sure that both of these contribute to my appreciation of the month, but really it’s my favorite because I was born in June.  What child doesn’t love their birthday month most of all?  Seven years ago my first child was also born in June, so now it’s doubly special.
I love birthdays.  In the tradition of my own childhood, I view a birthday as a chance to celebrate the individuality of the child.  I’m looking forward to the joy in my son’s eyes tomorrow as he gets to play with friends, open gifts, and generally feel special all day long.  I hope that his delight will be a pause in an otherwise busy week, and a reminder of what makes him unique.

Featuring the lovely art of Miss Tracie VanWicklin

Some of you probably love June for other reasons: it is the month when summer vacation starts, and many people take the opportunity to travel.  I’ve traveled several times to Hawaii, and since this is the only coffee growing region that I have visited, Hawaiian coffee is near to my heart.  Coffee grown in Hawaii is unusual in that it is grown at a much lower elevation than most of the coffees we carry.

Growing conditions, however, are perfect for coffee.  There is rocky volcanic soil, which stresses the plants and provides optimum production (which as in many specialty products means a smaller yield per plant).  It is tropical climate, and the Kona region in particular mimics the weather patterns of much of the coffee-growing world.  No matter the scientific reasons, there is no doubt that for many years the islands of Hawaii have produced beautiful coffee.

Hawaiian Blend can be a misleading term.  Many large companies market a “Hawaiian Blend” or a “Kona Blend” that deserves quotation marks: it often includes less than 5 percent of a Hawaiian coffee.  Our Hawaiian Blend is 25% Kona Extra Fancy.  The rest of the blend is our full-bodied Sumatra Mandheling, which nicely complements the light Kona, and makes it a little more affordable than the straight Kona Extra Fancy.

This week you can use the code “coffee of the week” for a free 12 ounce cup of Hawaiian Blend at our downtown location.  I hope it reminds you of the last time you traveled somewhere exotic, or at least of the joy of a birthday when you were a child.  Happy June everyone!

–Holly Fike

Hawaiian Blend
This week: $11.99
List Price: $12.99

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